I used to make this handbag and purse with my sister Shaz a long time ago. As I do not have my embossing and die cutting machine at present, I thought I would try this again. I know there are a lot of handbag tutorials on the internet however, this one is so simple I thought I would share it with you.
The handbag is free standing and the little purse is attached by a chain. The purse has sides added so that you can put money inside as a gift or enclose a birthday message.
You need a sheet of A4 card and cut down one side so that you have a 17cm width. Measure sections from the bottom marked (1) 10cm followed,1.5cm (2) 1.5cm (3) and a further 10cm (4). Score along the marked lines and fold the card as indicated below.
The handbag will now be free standing. The flap can be shaped however you like and decorated.
The purse is made in exactly the same way with the measurements reduced to 9cm width by 21 cm long. Measure and score as follows: 7cm (1) 1cm (2) 1cm (3) and 7cm (4). (5) is the flap. I inserted sides in the purse using parchment as it is strong and not too bulky when folded. You need a piece of parchment 6.5cm x 4cm. Measure lengthwise 1cm on the parchment and score a line. Repeat this twice again. Fold along the scored lines to form a concertina effect. Add tape or glue to the edged and apply to the inner sides of the purse as shown in picture 4. The purse is attached to the handbag by a chain. A magnet is attached to the handbag so that it closes tight however you can apply a ribbon or whatever you choose. I hope the details are clear however, please contact me should you need any clarification.